Physical Health and Wellbeing Mental Health and Wellbeing Organisation and Productivity

Things to Do When You are in Self-Isolation

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In the coming days and weeks, many of us will have to self-isolate, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It may seem as though our lives will come to a standstill during these times, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

There are so many activities we can do at home to take care of our physical and mental wellbeing, as well as enriching and progressing our lives. We are lucky to have tools such as the internet and smartphones, which greatly widen the number of activities available, as well as the social ‘contact’ we can have, albeit not in person.

A man indoors looking out a window.
Photo by Hamish Duncan on Unsplash

In this blog post, I will be listing all the activities I can think of that can be done in self-isolation. Of course, not all of these activities will be suitable for those of us who actually fall ill. If you need to stay in bed and rest, then that is absolutely what you must do! But for those of us who are well or only have mild symptoms, I hope this blog post will provide some inspiration and help you to make the most of your time at home.


Work from home if applicable.

If you cannot work from home, work on improving the skills needed for your job so that when the time comes to go back to work, you will be better at it. This way, you may get a promotion or be able to apply for a better position, so in the long run, you will earn more.

Start a new online venture, for example, a blog, a YouTube channel or an Etsy store.

Simply take a break from work! You will go back refreshed and renewed.


Play board games online. There is a great site called Board Game Arena where you can either play with strangers or add your friends and play with them.

Watch films. You could have a movie marathon and watch an entire series.

Read books. Again, you could read a whole series, or set yourself a challenge to read a certain number of books.

Watch TV. If you haven’t already, would now be a good time to subscribe to Netflix?

Related posts

Challenge Idea – Read a Whole Book Series Within a Month!

How to Win a Game of Cribbage

A woman sitting in an armchair in front of the TV.
Photo by John Tuesday on Unsplash


Try new recipes.

Get creative with the food you have in your cupboards, rather than going out to buy more.

Avoid food waste. You can do this by using perishable items first, batch cooking and freezing food, only making what you will eat, and saving any leftovers.

Order takeaways from companies that offer contact-free delivery, for example, Domino’s Pizza.


It’s important to get regular exercise, even if you are in self-isolation. Exercise is great for your mental health as well as physical. Here are some forms of exercise that you can easily do at home:

Pilates. You can find instructional videos on YouTube.

Weight-lifting (if you have the equipment).

Dance to music.

If you have access to a garden, you can go for a walk or run around it, and do other cardio exercises such as star-jumps.

Depending on the restrictions in your area, you may be able to go for a walk or run outside of your house, if you keep a certain distance from other people.

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How to Get More Exercise Without Putting In Extra Time

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A woman's legs and feet, wearing black leggings and colourful trainers, running along a path with grass on either side.
Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash


Chat to friends online.

Call someone and chat on the phone.

Play board games online.

If you are allowed contact with other members of your household, you can socialise with them in person.

Health and Wellbeing

Take the opportunity to catch up on sleep and get plenty of it.

Now is a great time to try out a new self-care routine or activity you have been thinking about.

Take the time to prepare healthy meals, rather than grabbing fast food.

Take a step back from the news, slow down and embrace the calm that comes with an empty schedule.

A bed with a bedside lamp alongside it, switched on.
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash


Self-isolation provides a great opportunity for studying and learning.

Study subjects that interest you.

Take an online course.

Watch educational documentaries.

Practise a skill, for example, playing a musical instrument, learning a language, or computer programming.


Write stories, poems or articles.

Start a blog or a YouTube channel.

Compose music.

Create art.

Do crafts, such as sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, or any other craft that takes your fancy.

A woman writing in a blank notebook.
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


If you have to stay in your house/bedroom for an extended period of time, you might as well make sure it is a nice environment to be in!

Organise your belongings.

Have a clear-out (although you may have to wait before you can take your cleared-out items to a charity shop).

Clean your house/room.

Mend broken items/clothes.

Re-decorate, if you have the materials and equipment available. Ever Wallpaper has beautiful, eco-friendly wallpapers if you fancy switching up your wall colour or getting creative with murals. They offer free shipping on all orders so there’s no need to leave your home.

I hope this post has given you some ideas of things to do when in self-isolation.

Are you having to go into self-isolation? What are you planning to do during that time? Did you find any of my suggestions useful, or did you already have different activities planned out? Let me know in the comments.

Lastly, I hope you all stay well and avoid catching the coronavirus. Take good care of yourselves and each other!

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Things to Do When You are in Self-Isolation


  1. This is a great list of things to do during isolation. I pray all this is over soon!

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Thank you!

  2. Shana Seigler says:

    I have been doing most of this list, but tomorrow I need to tackle cleaning this house.

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Cleaning the house always seems like such a big task! I find the key is to break it down into smaller chunks and just do one at a time 🙂

  3. What a great ideas! I will definitely do a lot of crafts.

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Thank you! It’s a great time to do crafts.

  4. Great suggestions! I thought I’d be able to get loads of stuff on lockdown but my work has become so busy that I feel like I need a break already! We’re hoping to use the situation to really get back into board games again though.

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I hope your work calms down soon so that you get a break and can play some board games! I’m so into them at the moment!

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