12 Tips To Make Your Next Cup of Coffee Something Special

12 Tips To Make Your Next Cup of Coffee Something Special

Are you in coffee purgatory? If so, it’s time to get out of it. Being stuck in a rut when it comes to your coffee isn’t a great experience. You want it to taste good, but for whatever reason, you can’t quite make your tastebuds sing. Fortunately, this post is here to help. We take …

Making Your Friday Night Dinner A Little More Special

Making Your Friday Night Dinner A Little More Special

Friday night. The end of the working week for many, and the start to a relaxing or crazy weekend. It’s a day of the week that contains multitudes! And it all starts with the food you cook for yourself. A good Friday night dinner carries you through. It’s tasty, sometimes a little indulgent, and ultimately …

A Herbal Tea For Every Time of Day

Drinking herbal tea is an absolute staple part of my daily routine. There is such a wide variety of great-tasting teas to explore, and I love knowing that they have health benefits as varied as their flavours. There’s a tea for every mood, occasion and time of day, whether you need something stimulating, refreshing …

I Tried BOXD Plant-Based Protein Shakes

I Tried BOXD Plant-Based Protein Shakes

I was delighted when BOXD recently contacted me to ask if I would like to try their plant-based protein shakes. I immediately checked out their website, and I thought, wow, this brand looks amazing! So of course I agreed to try and review their protein shakes. I must start by saying that I am …

The Best Tasting Herbal Teas To Start Drinking Today

The Best Tasting Herbal Teas To Start Drinking Today

I’m a big fan of herbal teas and I’ve been drinking them for as long as I can remember. The great thing about herbal teas is that they have so many health benefits, so there is a tea for every situation. However, I know that not everyone is a fan of herbal teas, and many …

How To Drink More Water If You Struggle To Drink Enough

How To Drink More Water If You Struggle To Drink Enough

AD | This post contains a sponsored link Do you struggle to drink enough water? Maybe you get distracted and forget to drink, or you just don’t like the taste of water? You are not alone! Personally, I usually manage to drink enough water. I am very sensitive to when I am thirsty and I …

My Experience Trying Protein Shakes for the First Time

My Experience Trying Protein Shakes for the First Time

Protein shakes have always been something that I have heard about but never actually considered taking myself. I have always been an active person, but my focus has been on exercising to stay generally healthy and in shape, rather than on building muscle, which is what I always associated protein shakes with. Despite …