
How To Get In The Mood For Christmas

Christmas is different this year because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The restrictions will affect our usual Christmas plans and limit our social interactions with family and friends. Because of this, it is understandable that many people are not feeling in the mood for Christmas this year!

Personally, I have been feeling quite Christmassy anyway. This is mainly because I have had extra free time to partake in Christmas activities, even if they are mostly at home. How about you? Have you been feeling more or less Christmassy this year? Let me know in the comments below!

If you have not been feeling Christmassy this year, this post might give your Christmas spirits a boost. I will be sharing several ways to get in the mood for Christmas!

How to feel more Christmassy

How to get in the mood for Christmas

Get an Advent calendar

We may be well into December now, but it’s not too late to get an Advent calendar if you haven’t already. In fact, most of them will be reduced now so it’s a great time to get one! By the time you have caught up on the days you’ve missed, you’ll be feeling happy from all the goodies you discover.

There are many different types of Advent calendar to choose from, whether you want a picture or chocolate advent calendar or something more extravagant. This year I have a simple picture Advent calendar that was sent to me by Cats Protection because I am a sponsor. I also have an online Advent calendar by Jacquie Lawson which has a cute video or activity to unlock each day.

An advent calendar made up of little wooden houses painted red and blue with numbers on.
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Do an Advent challenge

An alternative to an Advent calendar is to do an Advent challenge. This focuses on giving rather than receiving, which is an important message of Christmas. An Advent challenge would involve doing a certain activity every day in the lead up to Christmas. Here are some examples:

  • Put an item of food in a hamper every day, and donate the hamper to a food bank or homeless shelter on the 24th December.
  • Do a good deed every day.
  • Make a small donation to a different charity every day.
  • Message a different friend every day to check in and wish them a happy Christmas.
  • Compliment someone every day.

This year I have created an Advent challenge for myself and it involves a combination of the ideas above. I have made a list of over 50 different ‘good things’ I could do this December, including good deeds, donations to charities, and getting in touch with friends. I am aiming to do 25 things off that list by Christmas.

Attend a carol service

Whether or not you are religious, carol services are lovely to attend because they have such a Christmassy atmosphere! It’s nice to sit in a beautifully decorated, candlelit church and listen to Christmas music.

This year, you might need to buy tickets because churches currently have limits on the number of people allowed inside due to social distancing. You also may not be allowed to sing, but it’s still nice to listen to the Christmas carols and soak up the atmosphere.

The inside of a church, decorated for Christmas, with a choir singing and children dressed as angels in front of them.
Photo by Blue Ox Studio from Pexels

Listen to Christmas music at home

Listening to Christmas music always gets me in the mood for Christmas! There are many types of Christmas music to suit your tastes. I grew up with traditional carols played in my house, so those are my favourite type of Christmas music to listen to because I associate them so strongly with Christmas. However, the popular Christmas hits are fun too!

Make your own Christmas decorations

Putting up Christmas decorations is a great way to get into a Christmassy mood. However, sometimes I find that it becomes a bit routine when I put up the same decorations every year, and it loses a bit of its excitement.

This year, I have been making some of my own Christmas decorations to go on the Christmas tree. One advantage of the current restrictions is that I have had time to do this! It’s a fun Christmassy activity to do and it brings a fresh excitement to decorating the tree with your new creations.

I have been trying some of these paper Christmas ornament ideas because they don’t need many materials other than coloured paper, which I have plenty of.

Paper Christmas decorations, scissors, wrapping paper and pinecones.
Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Go for a walk and look at Christmas lights

I love walking around towns and residential areas at this time of year and looking at all the pretty decorations in the streets, shops and houses. It definitely gets me in a Christmassy mood, especially if I am bundled up in a scarf, hat and gloves against the cold weather.

Bake something Christmassy

Some seasonal baking will make the whole house smell Christmassy and get you in the mood for Christmas! Festive favourites include gingerbread, mince pies or a yule log. Perfect treats to go with a steaming mug of homemade hot chocolate!

A plate of chocolate gingerbread men and cookies.
Photo by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash

Spend time with loved ones

Christmas is a time of love, kindness and family. It is possible to find ways to express all these things whether or not our usual Christmas plans and traditions have been disrupted. Luckily, we have technology which helps us to connect with our loved ones even if we can’t be together in person.

Are you in the mood for Christmas now?

I hope that reading this post has helped you to feel a little more Christmassy, and that if you try some of these activities, they will get you in the mood for Christmas! What other activities get you in a Christmassy mood? Let me know in the comments!

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How to get in the mood for Christmas


  1. I really like this post, especially the fact that you mention focusing on the real meaning of Christmas. Unfortunately, we don’t always do that, and it’s nice to see someone encouraging others to rethink the holidays. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sophie H says:

      Thank you, I’m glad you liked this post! I agree, people (including me) often forget the real meaning of Christmas!

  2. Suchita Senthil Kumar says:

    I don’t celebrate Christmas but reading this post really has me in the Holiday Mood and I think I might do a few of these just to keep the cheerful spirit up. Thank you for this!

    1. Sophie H says:

      I’m so glad that this post got you in the Holiday Mood! I should have mentioned in my post that most of these activities would be a good way to stay cheerful whether or not you celebrate Christmas! Happy Holidays 🙂

  3. These are all really great ideas on how to get in the mood for Christmas! I love all of them and will be doing most if not all of them! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Sophie H says:

      I’m glad you like the ideas! Have fun doing them 🙂

      1. December this year has felt so festive! There’s lots of lights on houses where we live and I’m ready for Christmas. Normally I’d be working in the office and struggle to get chance to go shopping because of travelling 4 hours a day. Because we have worked from home I’ve had time to plan and get everything done. Now we can spend this week focusing on the true meaning of Christmas as you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!

        1. Sophie Harriet says:

          I agree, so many people have put extra decorations up this year or put them up early. I’ve been feeling Christmassy since the beginning of November! I’m glad you’ve had time to plan more this year – so it will be a more relaxed Christmas.

  4. I definitely had a harder time getting into the festive spirit this year. Knowing that we’re not getting together with friends and family this year killed that for me pretty quickly. Recently, I decided to dye my hair red and green which helped. I also found that decorating and putting the tree up really helped with it all.

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I know what you mean about not being able to get together with friends and family putting a damper on things. I guess we just have to see it as a peaceful Christmas, and look forward to seeing our friends and family some time in the new year! I bet your hair looks amazing!

  5. I am defo feeling more and more Christmassy as the days go by. My tree is up, my house is decorated and I’m planning on doing some Christmas baking this evening!


    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’m glad you have been feeling Christmassy! I hope your baking turned out well!

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