How To Entertain Friends In Your New Home - 5 Fun Ideas

How To Entertain Friends In Your New Home – 5 Fun Ideas

Moving into your own home is such an exciting time. Whether you’re buying or renting, whether it’s your first property or you’ve already had previous homes- it’s always full of joy. And there’s no better way to revel in that than to invite family and friends over and entertain them so you can enjoy the …

Top Tips for Improving Your Conversation Skills Despite Social Anxiety

Top Tips for Improving Your Conversation Skills Despite Social Anxiety

Conversation skills don’t come naturally to everyone. Some people, including myself, find conversations hard work at times and don’t always know what to say to people. I would class myself as an introvert, and I also experience social anxiety to some degree in many of my social interactions, which doesn’t help! However, I believe that …

How To Refresh Your Wardrobe The Cheap and Sustainable Way

How To Refresh Your Wardrobe The Cheap and Sustainable Way

Is your wardrobe overflowing with clothes that you don’t wear anymore? It may be time to have a good clear-out and refresh your wardrobe! The fashion industry has a bad rep at the moment, especially fast fashion which often involves child labour, poor working conditions, unethical practices, pollution and strain on the environment in order …