
11 Fun and Creative Quiz Round Ideas for Your Zoom Quiz

Have you taken part in a Zoom quiz recently with your friends or family? Zoom quizzes are trending at the moment, especially as many of us are in another lockdown. Last year, during the first lockdown, I took part in several Zoom quizzes with my friends, including hosting one myself.

In the process of creating my quiz, I came up with lots of quiz round ideas! I shared many of these in a previous post: 14 Unique and Hilarious Zoom Quiz Round Ideas and I am going to share 11 more quiz round ideas with you here. This post will hopefully provide you with plenty of inspiration if you are organising your own Zoom quiz!

11 Fun Quiz Round Ideas for Your Zoom Quiz

Make a PowerPoint for your Zoom Quiz

Before we get started on the quiz round ideas, I want to recommend that you make a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your Zoom quiz. This should include written versions of the questions, and of course the picture rounds. You can share your screen on Zoom so that your participants can read the questions and follow along easily with the quiz. This will save you from having to constantly repeat questions if someone doesn’t hear, or if they have any problems with their audio or internet connection.

11 Fun and Creative Zoom Quiz Round Ideas

1. What is this sound?

For this round, find or make some recordings of everyday sounds, and play them to your quiz participants for them to identify. Examples could be a kettle boiling, a supermarket checkout machine or an aeroplane flying overhead. Another option is to gather some noisy objects and make real noises with them (off-camera) for your participants to identify. Good objects for this would be squeaky dog toys, crisp packets, or a stapler.

A young brown and white dog playing with a toy in its mouth and other toys laid next to it.
Photo by marieke koenders on Unsplash

2. Solve the riddles

Search the internet to find some riddles – simple ones are probably best. Show them to your participants and give them a set amount of time, for example, 3 minutes, to solve as many riddles as they can. Alternatively, you can read out or show the riddles one by one like a normal quiz round.

3. Quotes from movies

Find some well-known quotes from movies and get your quiz participants to identify what movie they are from. You can narrow this down to a certain genre of movies, for example, Disney or Marvel if you feel that would be more suited to the people taking part. You could also offer an additional point for naming the character that said the quote.

4. Numbers round

For this round, the answer to every question is a number. For example: How many faces does a cube have? Or, How many players are there on a Rugby team? You could make it so that no two questions have the same answer – perhaps have 10 questions where the answers are 1 to 10 (but not in that order!)

A hopscotch painted on tarmac, with numbers 1 to 10.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

5. Local landmarks on Google Maps

In my previous quiz round post, I suggested taking screenshots of famous landmarks on Google Maps and getting your participants to identify them. If everybody doing the quiz is from the same area, you could get them to identify local ‘landmarks’ instead, such as your local supermarket, school or park. These can look very different from a birds-eye-view! Obviously, this quiz round will only be fair if all of your participants are familiar with the same area. If not, it’s better to stick to famous landmarks!

6. Silhouettes

Find or create silhouette images of various objects, buildings, animals or even people! Get the quiz participants to identify what, or who they are. 

7. Songs from Musicals

Gather some short clips of songs from musicals, and play them to your participants. Get them to identify what musical the song is from. You could offer additional points for naming the actual song!

An audience in a theatre watching a show. The chairs are red and the theatre is about two-thirds full.
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

8. TV Theme Tunes

Find some clips of TV theme tunes and get the participants to identify which show they are from. A variation on this would be to use theme tunes from children’s shows – current ones if you have children taking part in the quiz, or old children’s shows from your childhood if all the participants are of a similar age and would remember them.

9. Name the vegetable

Test how well your participants know their vegetables! Find or take photos of vegetables, ideally including some less common ones such as turnips, swedes and pak choi. To make it harder, you could cut vegetables in half and photograph cross-sections of them, or even take close-up photos of part of the vegetable. Get your participants to guess what vegetable they are. You could also include fruits if you like.

10. All the answers begin with the same letter

This is a general knowledge round, but all the answers begin with the same letter. To make this harder, don’t tell them what letter it is! Once they get one answer, they will know what the letter is… if their answer is right! This round could include slightly harder-than-average questions because the participants have an advantage once they know the first letter.

11. Guess the year

Name some historical events and get the participants to guess what year they happened in. You could offer 2 points if they guess the exact year, and 1 point if they are within, say, 10 years of the correct year. If you choose more recent events, maybe only allow the exact year!

11 Exciting Zoom Quiz Round Ideas

Tiebreaker Question

This is a reminder to have a tiebreaker question prepared just in case you end up with a tie! That way, you won’t have to quickly look one up on the spot.

I hope this has given you some ideas for your Zoom quiz!

If you are hosting a Zoom quiz soon, I hope I have given you some inspiration for quiz round ideas, and that your quiz goes well!

For even more quiz round ideas, check out my previous post: 14 Unique and Hilarious Zoom Quiz Round Ideas

Have you taken part in any Zoom quizzes so far this year? Did they include any of these rounds, or similar? Let me know below in the comments!

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11 Fun and Creative Zoom Quiz Round Ideas


  1. My younger brother’s birthday is coming soon and he really wanted to celebrate over Zoom with our relatives and friends. Although quite the idea, I didn’t have any idea on what to do or what games to play after cutting the cake. Thank you for this post and the lovely quizzes. Definitely needed this xx

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’m so glad that this post was helpful! I hope you and your brother and all the family enjoy the quiz if you have one xx

  2. Ellie says:

    Great ideas, thank you for sharing! Some really creative suggestions

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Thank you, I’m so glad you liked the suggestions! xx

  3. I have never tried Zoom quizzes but they sound like a lot of fun and these ideas are really great! Thanks for sharing these. I am totally going to look into these quizzes more closely.

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Zoom quizzes are a lot of fun! I hope you get a chance to take part in one xx

  4. These are some really fun ideas! Me and my friends have been very into Zoom quizzes over the past year. We’ve had a lot of crazy ideas but one of my favourite has been where my friend (who is talented with photoshop) edited our heads onto different movie posters, album covers, theatre maruqees etc with the titles removed and you had to guess what they were. My head got edited on to the Waitress musical poster as well as Taylor Swift’s Lover album cover, so I got these cute little images to keep even after the quiz was over. It was a very inventive round, but also one that felt personal because all my friends were actually IN the quiz haha 🙂

    Kate |

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      That is such a good round idea! You are lucky to have such a talented friend, that’s so cute that you got the images to keep after! I would definitely consider doing a round like that next time I am making a Zoom quiz, but I will need to practice my photoshop skills first!

  5. These all sound like so much fun! I have heard a lot of people referencing Zoom quizzes, but I haven’t had taken part in any myself at this point. I have done bingo a few times on video calls with local small business owners here (you buy a ticket and then the prizes are all credits for their products). I scored BIG and won about $120 in credit for a tea company that I adore off a $5 card at one point this summer lol

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’ve never taken part in bingo on video calls but it sounds like a lot of fun and that’s so cool that you won credit for a tea company! x

  6. I’ve had so many virtual quizzes and I was all out of ideas, but these ideas are fabulous! Thanks for posting!

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’m so glad to have given you some more ideas! 🙂

  7. I love these ideas so much! Name that sound seems like it’d be such a funny round to do – you could choose anything! x

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’m so glad you liked these ideas! I agree, that would be such a funny round! I plan to use it next time I am planning a Zoom quiz x

  8. These are wonderful ideas for Zoom Quiz! Quotes from movies is so fun!

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I’m so glad you liked these ideas! I’m planning to use quotes from movies next time I host a Zoom quiz! xx

  9. I love a good riddle!


    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      I love riddles too, they are fun to solve! 🙂

  10. I like the guess the year one!

    1. Sophie Harriet says:

      Thank you! I’m planning to include that one next time I am hosting a Zoom quiz!

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