8 Winter Wardrobe Essentials That I Wear All The Time

8 Winter Wardrobe Essentials That I Wear All The Time

I feel as though it’s been a particularly cold winter here in the UK. We’ve had several cold spells when I just can’t wear enough layers! When talking about winter fashion, layering up and keeping warm is a significant factor to consider. But that doesn’t mean winter fashion can’t be stylish. In this post, I’m …

Eco-Friendly Gift Guide for Christmas 2020

The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gift Guide for Christmas 2020

Welcome to my eco-friendly gift guide for Christmas 2020! It may seem a little early to be posting a gift guide as it is still only October. However, this is a strange and uncertain year, and nobody really knows how things are going to pan out over the next couple of months. There is a …

Reducing Microfibre Pollution with the Guppyfriend Washing Bag

Reducing Microfibre Pollution with the Guppyfriend Washing Bag

I am always on the lookout for ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle, and I recently came across the Guppyfriend Washing Bag. This is a bag designed to catch microfibres that are released when we wash our clothes. What are microfibres? Microfibres are small strands of plastic that are released from the synthetic materials …